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Minku singh
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We know that these days WhatsApp is bringing many updates. So that users do not need another messenger and do not face any problems using WhatsApp.

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WhatsApp has given 3 significant updates today, which are explained in detail below.

You can now add 1024 members to a group.

A total of 1024 members can be added to the WhatsApp group from now on. Where earlier only 256 members could be added to WhatsApp groups. But due to this new update of WhatsApp, you will now be able to add more members to WhatsApp groups.

You can add 32 members to WhatsApp videocall.

Earlier this year, META's C.E.O MARK ZUCKERBERG introduced a feature called Call Link, similar to Google Meet and Zoom. At the same time, he said that WhatsApp is testing the feature of 32 members in video call. Now, this feature has been rolled out for all WhatsApp users. Now you will also be able to add 32 people to WhatsApp's video call. But you will get this feature in the next update, just wait for the next update.

You can create in poll chat

From now on, users in WhatsApp groups can create polls on a specific topic and will not be limited to group admins. Users will have the option to add 12 options to the poll. Like any other poll feature on other platforms, users will be able to view the voting results after tapping on the View Vote option. For the feature to work smoothly, all users must have the latest version of WhatsApp running on their smartphones.

The features have been rolled out but may take some time to reach all users.

poll in whatsapp groups

About the Author

Minku singh
Hello my name is Minku singh and i am a part time blogger since 2020.Web devloper minku singh. web dev minku . Minku Singh

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