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Get blue tick on twitter only in 8$ per month : ELON MUSK TWITTER BIG UPDATE

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Minku singh
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Recently, the new owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, tweeted that from now on the general public will get blue tick, that too for just $ 8 per month, as well as premium features will also be given to them like priority in comments, long video sharing and many more. All premium features will be available which one. He also said that those whose Twitter account is already verified will also have to pay $ 8 per month.


Elon Musk also said that now the general public will not have any problem, now they will also be able to take blue tick like popular people and will be able to use all premium features

Elon Musk also said that if you are a cretor then you will also be able to earn some money by sharing your content on Twitter, although it is not launched yet but Twitter will take some important steps in this regard soon.


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Minku singh
Hello my name is Minku singh and i am a part time blogger since 2020.Web devloper minku singh. web dev minku . Minku Singh

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