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Minku singh
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 Poco is promoting the F3 GT as the replacement to the Poco F1. After three years, does the F3 GT satisfy everyone's expectations? Here is our full survey


Stunning 120Hz AMOLED screen

Pleasant plan with triggers

67W quick charging


Unremarkable cameras

No earphone jack

Some bloatware

Our Verdict

The Poco F3 GT is a magnificent gaming telephone one can purchase without burning through every last cent. Features incorporate a 120Hz AMOLED show, actual gaming triggers and 67W quick charging however better cameras can be found somewhere else.

Plan and Build

The telephone weighs 205g and is around 8.3mm thick - like the Pixel 6 - yet because of the even weight appropriation and adjusted edges, it feels good to hold regardless of it being a huge screen gadget. While this survey was done on the Gunmetal Silver variation there is a Predator Black tone also.

The silver shading looks extremely rich and the moment subtleties around the gadget jump out. The form quality is great and the back glass doesn't draw in fingerprints without any problem. The telephone just is IP53 evaluated for sprinkles which is a minor weakness.

The finger impression sensor is mounted on the power button and functions admirably as far as convenience over a back mounted or in-show unique finger impression scanner. You could arrange the scanner to answer a touch or press activity which is flawless.

The gaming triggers are positively creative yet require a work to arrangement and don't work out of the container. They sit flush on the gadget when not being used and you can undoubtedly pop them out utilizing the slider buttons.

The RGB sparkle light around the camera is inventive yet doesn't have a lot of utility worth. One decent touch is the consideration of an IR drove which is normal across Xiaomi telephones. This allows you to control home devices, for example, TVs and forced air systems straightforwardly from your telephone.

The SIM plate is at the base and allows you to utilize around 2 nano-SIM cards. The oversight of a 3.5mm earphone jack is disheartening however the brand incorporates a Type-C to 3.5mm earphone connector in the case to compensate for it.

By and large, the plan is reviving and breaks the dreariness related with cell phones as of now on the lookout.

Screen and Audio

The Poco F3 GT packs a 6.67-inch Full HD+ 10-digit AMOLED 120Hz presentation. The board upholds contact examining pace of up to 480Hz which is extremely obvious during gaming. The revive rate can be physically arranged to 60-or 120Hz and there is no auto-change choice which would have been great to have.

The review experience is superb and there are broad choices in the settings to design the presentation to your requirements. The showcase is brilliant at 500nits and upholds HDR10+ content which takes the splendor significantly higher to 1300 nits. The F3 GT is one of the main telephones from Poco to brandish an AMOLED board and has Corning Gorilla Glass 5 assurance.

Continuously in plain view can be empowered for the individuals who like to really look at their warnings without turning on the screen. While it could affect battery duration as per the on-gadget guide, taking into account this is an AMOLED board, the effect ought to be negligible.

There are small bezels around the showcase and a 16Mp poke hole selfie camera is underlying, which doesn't impede the review insight as far as I can tell.

The telephone sparkles in the sound division with double sound system speakers alongside help for Dolby Atmos and can get very clearly without bending. However, that absence of an earphone jack is a drawback.

Specs and Performance

The telephone is fueled by an Octa-Core MediaTek Dimensity 1200 processor and is matched with 6GB of RAM and 128GB of capacity or 8/256GB.

There is likewise a variation with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of capacity which was tried for this audit. There was no perceptible slack during standard use or concentrated exercises like gaming.

While the gadget is fueled by MediaTek's leader processor, it would have been great to have a better quality variation brandishing a Snapdragon 888 processor and 12GB of RAM - the Poco F1 was controlled by a Qualcomm lead Snapdragon 845 at that point. Basically a 12GB RAM variation would make the arrangement seriously captivating

Poco professes to utilize fume chamber cooling and a 8-layered graphite Aerospace grade white graphene layer for worked on warm execution. The telephone got decently warm to the touch while running serious games yet there's nothing else to it.

The telephone utilizes UFS 3.1 capacity and offers noteworthy read/compose speeds. There is support for WiFi 6 and Bluetooth 5.1 which is gladly received.

Most games like Asphalt 9, Call of Duty, Dead Trigger, Battlegrounds Mobile India (neighborhood PUBG rendition) function true to form and there were no stammers or slack. There is a Game Turbo highlight that should be empowered per game to utilize the maglev triggers.

Indeed, even after a considerable amount of gaming, the telephone simply gets warm and doesn't get awkwardly hot. The programmable committed keys which work with any game is probably the best component of the telephone. The material input is great and there is no postponement in enrolling the critical presses while gaming.


The principle camera is a 64Mp sensor with f/1.6 gap and pictures are taken shots at 16Mp naturally. Photographs taken in sunshine or under great lighting conditions come out well and not much to whine about here.

Poco F3 GT

Low-light shots experience the ill effects of a ton of commotion and detail is lost. There is a night mode which functions admirably now and again so results are a mishmash. The Macro camera benefits take for certain nearby photographs, yet the subtleties are lost. Oddly 2x zoom on the fundamental camera offers better subtleties for close-up chances.

The forward looking 16Mp camera takes nice selfies and pictures when the it are great to light circumstances.

The camera was not the most grounded region of the Poco F1 and tragically, the F3 GT additionally shares a similar inadequacy.

Battery Duration and Charging

As far as battery duration, the 5065mAh inherent battery can last an entire day even with weighty use with 120Hz revive rate empowered and can go longer if with moderate use. Some product advancements in the engine really do assist with battery the board.

Poco f3 gt charging info

There are two or three battery saver modes - Battery Saver and Ultra battery saver which broaden the battery duration much further by turning down a few elements to moderate power.

In the PCMark Work 3.0 battery test, it endured 13 hours 32 mins which is a real exertion. The 67W quick charger is one of my #1 highlights and charges the telephone to half in only 15 mins and 100 percent in 45 mins.

The charger is cumbersome thinking about the higher wattage, however interestingly, it is remembered for the retail bundle which is turning out to be progressively uncommon. The charger pin utilizes a L-shape plan to forestall harm and permits you to keep utilizing the telephone while charging the gadget.

Remote Charging isn't accessible, yet the underhandedly quick wired energizing makes for it.


The telephone runs MIUI 12.5 which depends on Android 11 and the general connection point is smooth and without promotions generally.

The connection point is smart and quick, however it comes pre-stacked with a couple applications like Amazon Shopping, Facebook, Amazon Prime Video, LinkedIn, Netflix and GetApps. You should be mindful so as to skirt the extra application establishment brief during arrangement and furthermore quit customized promotions.

Notices from GetApps and some other applications were the most irritating, hampering the generally perfect insight. While most pre-stacked applications can be uninstalled some applications, for example, GetApps can't be uninstalled.


The Poco F3 GT was presented is accessible in Silver and Black in the accompanying models. It's not accessible in the UK or US.

6/128GB - ₹32,999 (approx £320/US$440)

8/128GB - ₹34,999 (approx £340/US$465)

8/256GB - ₹36,999 (approx £360/US$490)

It offers an extraordinary arrangement of elements and an incentive at that cost particularly assuming you are searching for a cell phone for gaming and content utilization. It is presently accessible in India through Flipkart at lower costs contrasted with the RRPs above.

Observe more choices in our best mid-range telephone and best gaming telephone graphs.


The F3 GT probably won't be a genuine replacement to the Poco F1 however it is another presentation centered, include pressed gadget from Poco.

The gadget packs a ton of gamer-driven highlights, for example, actual gaming triggers, a 120Hz AMOLED show, great warm execution, sound system speakers and 67W quick charging. The camera is the Achilles impact point of the Poco F3 GT which sparkles in any remaining offices.

MIUI 12.5 is a great deal cleaner yet inclined to a couple of inconveniences from pre-introduced applications. The OnePlus Nord 2 may be a superior choice for the individuals who lean toward a superior camera experience and don't require things like gaming triggers.

also read :- airtel 5g in india , oneplus nord ce 2 review , samsung s22 ultra review

About the Author

Minku singh
Hello my name is Minku singh and i am a part time blogger since 2020.Web devloper minku singh. web dev minku . Minku Singh

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