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Bihar Board issued dummy admit card for class 12th students

bseb dummy admit card dummy admit card dummy registration card 2022 12th dummy admit card 12th 2021
Minku singh
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Bihar Board has issued dummy admit card for class 12th student, you can download it from the link given below


Let us tell you that as soon as you click on the click, you will be redirected to the official website of Bihar Board. where you will be asked for your registration number and date of birth, which is mentioned in your registration card, you fill the same after that submit button. By clicking on it, your dummy admit card download will appear, click on the print button below and save it.

Download class 12th dummy admit card     click here

also read whatsapp launched three new feature :- click here

  • The dummy admit card will be uploaded on the committee's website till November 18, 2022 for error correction.

  • If there is an error in the spelling of the name of the students or the names of their parents in the issued dummy admit card or if there is an error in the category, gender, subject, date of birth, photograph or signature, then it will be rectified by the head of the educational institution concerned.

  • If the error is found in the dummy admit card, then the student will himself rectify that error and provide a copy (photocopy) of it with his signature to the head of his institution for rectification, on the basis of which the above details of the student will be given by the head of the educational institution. Error correction will be done online.

  • Message is also being sent by the committee for issue of dummy admit card and error correction on the registered mobile number of all the students appearing in Intermediate Annual Examination, 2023.

If there is any kind of error in your dummy admit card then you should contact your school or college to get it rectified before the date of 18/11/2022 otherwise your admit card will repeat the same error

About the Author

Minku singh
Hello my name is Minku singh and i am a part time blogger since 2020.Web devloper minku singh. web dev minku . Minku Singh

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